St. Jude’s


Institute Of Stress & Self-Management






St. Jude’s Institute Of Stress & Self-Management, the Society’s Motivational Management Training Centre offers Management Training Programmes viz Interview Training Technique, Personality Development, Communication Skills, Corporate Culture & Table Manners and a number of other self-improvement courses and vocational courses for senior students and other people under its Adult Education activities.




Nationalised Banks, Educational Institutes and other Religious Organisations invite our Members and Trainers for training their employees in areas of Stress Management, Team Building, Leadership Qualities, Customer-Care and in other People Skills like;  “Office Etiquette & Behaviour”,  “Managing Self is Managing All” and “Deal Decently with Difficult Customers” etc.




From time to time; the Society offers a Practical Vocational Training Course in the field of Air-conditioning & Refrigeration to train unemployed people and to enable them to find employment or to open their own workshops; to carry out complete servicing including repairs, assembly and maintenance of window air-conditioners and domestic refrigerators.
On successful completion of the training course; the Society awards a Certificate to the participants


The Courses we offer


Stress Management      


As EMPLOYERS, KEEPERS & CUSTODIANS of our staff or employees who work shoulder to shoulder with us every day, we cannot afford to ignore an absolutely essential need to protect them   against an enemy that forces them to take their own life!

Managing Self is Managing All

We do not often realize that it is absolutely essential that we learn about managing-self before we try to manage others in office, at work or even at home!.


Interview Training & Technique


Standard interview questions might not seem difficult, but your answer to each should be polished and sharp and what about your Body Language or non-verbal signals negative or positive; you may be sending without even knowing?!


Business Etiquette & Corporate Culture

Well-behaved and well-trained employees add to the image and strength of any Organization. We have a number of Training Programmes for the Corporate Employees:-


  The Receptionist
  The first person you meet is the Receptionist and this is where your first impressions about the company are formed!
Handling Telephones & the callers
How you handle your calls shows the culture of your Organization and as for the caller – you are what you say and how you say it!!
  Table Manners
As representatives of your company at Office parties and Official Dinners; you are judged by the way you hold your plate and handle your cutlery. And if you have not got your Table Manners in place; the culture and image of the company you represent; is at stake.
Dealing with difficult people  
Your Pride, your Patience and Your Politeness – all are tested while you deal with difficult customers!
Meetings & Members
Life is lot easier if you know about how to attend Meetings and about type of people you are likely to come face to face in Meetings you are about to attend!!
For the Senior School & College Students
For students who are about to step out of school or college into the big world for a better TOMORROW; we have following courses especially designed for them:
  • How to prepare for Interviews
  • Stress & Self-Management
  • Communication Skills